When hosting corporate events, you want to keep people engaged. That means ensuring folks are having a good time, not rolling their eyes at a theme that doesn’t match the occasion or feels half-baked, and helping everyone feel welcome There’s a misconception that corporate events are the dullest, most lifeless occasions out there. That’s not the case when done properly, as corporate teams are all about people, and each individual employee brings something special to the table!
With that in mind, we believe in making corporate events as special as the individuals attending, complete with plenty of fun, delicious meals that won’t soon be forgotten, and theming that is stylish and exciting. No organizer wants their guests to think that this is just any other corporate event, but rather one that stands out for the right reasons. Here are several tips you can use to achieve exactly that!
Don’t Simply Do the Same Thing Over Again
Whether you are new to the job or have been doing it for years, take a look at what has been done in the past and avoid letting history repeat itself. Your celebration shouldn’t be treated like a re-run of a TV show where everyone knows what will happen! Instead, focus on creating a completely new event with fresh themes, entertainment, food, and venue choices to drum up interest amongst attendees. You can also consider past successful and unsuccessful events and use the positive aspects to help you plan more effectively, and if something didn’t work before, then you’ll know that it’s better to try a different approach.
Get Creative with Themes
You may have used themes in the past, but don’t be afraid to try something new. When an event is predictable, it’s less engaging, and that’s what creates the misconception that corporate events can be dull. Try to look for ways to tie the theme into the purpose of the event so that it will engage the attendees more effectively. Make sure you think everything through when it comes to tying the theme together, from potential entertainment to the food and the venue to the decor. Be as authentic as possible to show you’ve done your homework and that everything is well thought out. Look at the venue and come up with ideas for decor that people will enjoy and appreciate. You can even use humour to get your theme across or, for more sophisticated events, focus on more elegant details such as floral arrangements.
Choosing the Right Venue
Regarding the venue choice, narrow it down to something that offers enough space for all attendees as well as any activities you have planned. If they offer catering services, this is even better, as there’s then one less thing to worry about in terms of preparation. It should also have sufficient parking space for all who are planning to attend, as well as easy access to local public transit networks.
Stimulate the Senses
From soft and/or vibrant lighting to match the theme to incense and beautiful hanging décor elements, there are plenty of ways to stimulate all five senses. Of course, this also means having a wide selection of succulent foods, plenty of drinks to go around, and snacks for in-between (which are also important for reducing the effects of alcohol). Of course, restrictions and control of alchocol should be strictly enforced to help ensure a happy, safe gathering for everyone, and designated drivers or Ubers should be set up as a precaution.
Music is another factor here; creating custom playlists that match the mood and theming goes a long way in making the event an even more special and memorable occasion. As for the sense of touch, consider setting up goodie bags for attendees – a nice way to sneak in a branded pen or two, of course, but be sure to include extras that attendees will appreciate more. Spa vouchers and gift cards of a decent amount are ideal choices.
Want a hand in making your next corporate event an extra-special celebration? We’re here to make it happen at the St. Elias Centre. Reach out to us today, and let’s plan your gathering together!