With the recent global outbreak of COVID-19, it seems to be all anyone can talk about right now. Social distancing has become mandatory in order to stay safe. If you are planning or have planned a wedding within the next few months, this can be a very unpredictable and confusing time. With enforced restrictions on gatherings and events, it can be difficult to decide whether to postpone, reconfigure or even cancel.
It’s important to remember you are not the only one faced with this tough situation – we’re all in this together! The ban on social gatherings is preventing tons of events, gatherings, festivals, weddings, birthdays, and even funerals from happening. If you find yourself in this situation, we’ve listed some helpful tips below to lead you through this uncertain and overwhelming time.
Safety is Critical
First and foremost, your health and safety should be your top priority during this time. Practicing regular hand washing and cleaning/sterilizing, along with social distancing is the best way to keep yourself safe. Make sure to stay up to date with announcements and notices that will apply to you and utilize the online resources you have access to such as the WHO, CDC, and Health Canada.
If Your Wedding is in May/June…
It can be difficult to decide to postpone or alter your wedding plans, especially when it’s so close. But if your wedding is within a few weeks, this is critical. Your first step would be reaching out to your venue, and companies you’ve booked with to get an understanding of your options. If you can reschedule, narrow down to three or four dates in the future. Share this date with additional vendors, family, and friends to figure out what works best.
If Your Wedding is in July/August…
It is very unpredictable where we will be in these coming months. Your safest option would be to have a rescheduling plan in place. There is a chance everything could be back to normal, but if it isn’t it’s better to be prepared. Find rescheduling dates immediately, and inquire about holding an alternative date because of the current situation.
If Your Wedding is this Fall/Winter….
Sit tight! It’s too far away to predict what the standing on COVID-19 will be at that time. It doesn’t hurt to keep this in mind, and within the coming weeks select an alternative date as well if you feel it is necessary.
This can be a tough and disappointing decision to make, regardless of the month you’ve planned your wedding for 2020. The most important thing to remember is that it will happen eventually, and you’re with your partner regardless – which is the main reason for the event! If you need help with any of your wedding venue or event-related needs, contact us at The St. Elias Centre.