Taking part in a trade show is a great way to attract more customers and traffic towards your business. And once you have decided to submit an application for a trade show, the next step is to start planning and preparing your booth so that it can gain as much attention and foot traffic as possible to make it a success.
Below are some helpful tips to ensure that your booth is a success at your next tradeshow.
Strategize the Location of Your Booth
The location of your booth is one of the first important factors to consider. In order to get the most foot traffic, your booth has to be in a location that isn’t tucked away from the limelight. When you submit your tradeshow application, ask about the selection of booth locations throughout the venue. Try to situate your booth near entrances and common walkways that will let your booth be seen by a constant flow of traffic.
Make Your Table Stand Out
Keep in mind that your table will be one among many – so naturally, you need it to stand out amongst the crowd to get enough attention. Try to consider what would grasp your attention when walking by. Maybe it’s a display of lights, a touch screen display or just a well-organized setup. Brand imagery is also important. If people can’t easily see what your brand or product is all about, then you can bet that they’ll just keep walking on by.
Make a Great First Impression
First impressions are without a doubt, vital for a successful business, and trade shows are where this truly counts. When attendees are walking by, you often have less than a minute to explain what your business is all about and to make a potential new client. If you plan on working your tradeshow booth solo, consider hiring an assistant to ensure that you have enough hands on deck to help. Just be sure that whomever you choose to represent your brand will do a superb job. They should be well informed about your brand and products, and they must be a polite, outspoken and personable individual.
Make a Crowd
It’s no secret that people are drawn to where there’s a crowd. We want to know what’s happening and what the buzz is all about. But how do you form a crowd around your table in order to get people to pay attention? One key secret strategy that many pro exhibitors use to generate more buzz is to use their own employees to act as attendees. It’s a simple and very effective way to get more people curious in what you’re selling.
Have Some Giveaways
Aside from a crowd, people are also always interested in wandering towards the table that’s offering some incentives. Free sample, promotions, and giveaways are generally expected for those who pay to attend many tradeshow events. It not only gets people to pay attention to your booth, but it also allows people to sample your products and maybe even become eventual customers. It’s a worthy investment for extending our customer base.
If done strategically and correctly, tradeshows can be one of the best methods for marketing and expanding your brand or business. Follow these tips to help you find success at your next tradeshow!